Privyet Tovarish
I’m Vlad, here to talk about this new thing I made.
You see, I was looking for vodka here in the Binance Smart Chain but didn’t find any so drunk me thought: “I make VODKA blyat”
So I gave some krokodil to my neighbour Sasha and I say “Make VODKA you stupid fuck”
After couple weeks I return and blyat there was this thing called SlavSwap on his great mortherland’s computer.
But you know what is the best part? VODKA can be made with any other stuff, it’s called “farming” like my old babushka did in Siberia, you put your digital rubles in the app and woah magically VODKA appears.
I can’t wait to share the VODKA with you (but only if you’re not americanisky spy).
Stay with me tovarish, we make a lot of vodka and rubles from March 1.